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The Pollution Control Board has
been established as a regulatory authority for implementing variious pollution control laws. The board is committed to provide polloution free environment to the people of state. The Board has undertaken various studies of underground water, solil and air to take remedial steps to control pollution.

   Air Pollution


Air pollution is indication of disturbances to the composition of compounds in the atmosphere, as it may be summarized as shown:

  1. Excess emission of gases/vapours into atmosphere

  2. Saturation of chemical compounds/particulates

  3. Rate of dissipation < (smaller than) rate of absorption through various cycles (i.e. carbon and nitrogen cycle)

  4. Emergence of new chemical reactions of reactive and non-biodegradable compounds.

Global warming, acid rain, smog, ozone depletion are some effects of air pollution.

In relation to this, we may observe the cycle which involves in our daily lives: carbon and nitrogen cycle. These 2 cycles are the most important of all, regulating the composition of carbon and nitrogen of Earth. 

Sources and Methods
We can classify major sources that lead to air pollution to the following categories:

  • motor vehicle exhaust

  • heat and power generation facilities

  • industrial processes

  • auto manufacturing

  • fertilizers plants

  • building demolition

  • solid waste disposal

  • solvent evaporation

  • volcanic eruption

  • fuel production

  • roadway construction

  • electrical components manufacturing

  • extraction of metals

  • forest fires

  • agriculture